% This is the implementation of the Wave Kernel Signature described % in the paper: % % The Wave Kernel Signature: A Quantum Mechanical Approach To Shape Analysis % M. Aubry, U. Schlickewei, D. Cremers % In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) - Workshop on % Dynamic Shape Capture and Analysis (4DMOD), 2011 % % Please refer to the publication above if you use this software. % % This work is licensed under a Creative Commons % Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License % ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ ) % % The WKS is patented and violation to the license agreement would % imply a patent infringement. % % THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES % OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE % AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER % LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, % OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN % THIS SOFTWARE. function [WKS,E,PHI,L] = compute_WKS(vertices,faces) % function [WKS,E,PHI] = compute_WKS(vertices,faces) compute % the Wave Kernel Signature of triangle mesh given by % [vertices,faces] % % INPUT: % vertices is (number of vertices) x 3 matrix % faces is a (number of faces) x 3 matrix % % OUTPUT: % WKS is the (number of vertices) x 100 WKS matrix % E is the vector of LB eigenvalues (by default of size 300 x 1) % PHI is the (number of vertices x 300) matrix of LB eigenfunctions % L is the cotan Laplace-Beltrami matrix % % The main parameter to adjust depending on your task is wks_variance %% parameters n_eigenvalues=300; % number of eigenvalues used for computations % depending on the application, you can use less than 300 N = 100; % number of evaluations of WKS wks_variance = 6; % variance of the WKS gaussian (wih respect to the % difference of the two first eigenvalues). For easy or precision tasks % (eg. matching with only isometric deformations) you can take it smaller %% basic quantities num_vertices = size(vertices,1); num_faces = size(faces,1); %% detect boundary vertices % Calculate the (directed) adjacency matrix. adjacency_matrix(m,n) = 1 if the oriented % boundary of a triangle contains the directed edge from vertex m to vertex % n, and 0 otherwise. This matrix is not quite symmetric due to boundary edges. adjacency_matrix = sparse([faces(:,1); faces(:,2); faces(:,3)], ... [faces(:,2); faces(:,3); faces(:,1)], ... ones(3 * num_faces, 1), ... num_vertices, num_vertices, 3 * num_faces); if any(any(adjacency_matrix > 1)) error('Triangles must be oriented consistently.') end clear adjacency_matrix; %% compute cotan LB matrix fprintf('Computing Laplace-Beltrami operator...'); % first compute inner face angles and squared edge lengthes pp = zeros(num_faces,3); qq = zeros(num_faces,3); angles = 0*faces; squared_edge_length = 0*faces; for i=1:3 i1 = mod(i-1,3)+1; i2 = mod(i ,3)+1; i3 = mod(i+1,3)+1; pp = vertices(faces(:,i2),:) - vertices(faces(:,i1),:); qq = vertices(faces(:,i3),:) - vertices(faces(:,i1),:); % normalize the vectors pp = pp ./ repmat( max(sqrt(sum(pp.^2,2)),eps), [1 3] ); qq = qq ./ repmat( max(sqrt(sum(qq.^2,2)),eps), [1 3] ); % compute angles angles(:,i1) = acos(sum(pp.*qq,2)); squared_edge_length(:,i1) = sum((vertices(faces(:,i2)) - vertices(faces(:,i3))).^2,2); end clear pp qq; %then compute L L = sparse(num_vertices,num_vertices); for i=1:3 i1 = mod(i-1,3)+1; i2 = mod(i ,3)+1; i3 = mod(i+1,3)+1; L = L + sparse(faces(:,i1),faces(:,i2),-cot(angles(:,i3)),... num_vertices,num_vertices,num_faces); end L = 1/2 * (L + L'); L = sparse(1:num_vertices,1:num_vertices,-sum(L,2),num_vertices,num_vertices,... num_vertices) + L; fprintf('done. \n'); %% compute Voronoi areas for vertices (following the algorithm decribed in % Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds, % Mark Meyer, Mathieu Desbrun, Peter Schroeder and Alan H. Barr, VisMath 2002. fprintf('Computing area of vertex Voronoi cells...'); % compute area of triangles faces_area = zeros(num_faces,1); for i = 1:3 faces_area = faces_area +1/4 * (squared_edge_length(:,i).*1./tan(angles(:,i))); end % compute area of Voronoi cells A = zeros(num_vertices,1); for j = 1:num_vertices for i = 1:3 i1 = mod(i-1,3)+1; i2 = mod(i,3)+1; i3 = mod(i+1,3)+1; ind_j = find(faces(:,i1) == j); for l = 1:size(ind_j,1) face_index = ind_j(l); if (max(angles(face_index,:)) <= pi/2) A(j) = A(j) + 1/8 * (1/tan(angles(face_index,i2))* ... squared_edge_length(face_index,i2) + ... 1/tan(angles(face_index,i3))*... squared_edge_length(face_index,i3)); elseif angles(face_index,i1) > pi/2 A(j) = A(j) + faces_area(face_index)/2; else A(j) = A(j) + faces_area(face_index)/4; end end end end A = max(A,1e-8); area = sum(A); A = A/area; Am = sparse([1:length(A)], [1:length(A)], A); clear angles faces_area; fprintf('done. \n'); %% compute LB eigenvalues and eigenfunctions fprintf('Computing Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions...'); % solve generalized eigenvalue problem options.disp = 0; [PHI,E] = eigs(L,Am,n_eigenvalues,-1e-5,options); E = diag(E); E=abs(real(E)); [E,idx] = sort(E); PHI = PHI(:,idx); PHI=real(PHI); fprintf('done. \n'); %% compute WKS fprintf('Computing WKS...'); WKS=zeros(num_vertices,N); log_E=log(max(abs(E),1e-6))'; e=linspace(log_E(2),(max(log_E))/1.02,N); sigma=(e(2)-e(1))*wks_variance; C = zeros(1,N); %weights used for the normalization of f_E for i = 1:N WKS(:,i) = sum(PHI.^2.*... repmat( exp((-(e(i) - log_E).^2) ./ (2*sigma.^2)),num_vertices,1),2); C(i) = sum(exp((-(e(i)-log_E).^2)/(2*sigma.^2))); end % normalize WKS WKS(:,:) = WKS(:,:)./repmat(C,num_vertices,1); fprintf('done. \n');