% ============================== % Exercise 3.1.a: function R = getRotationMatrixFromVector(w) length_w = norm(w); w_hat = [0 -w(3) w(2); w(3) 0 -w(1); -w(2) w(1) 0]; R = eye(3,3) + w_hat/length_w * sin(length_w) ... +(w_hat^2)/(length_w^2) * (1 - cos(length_w)); end % Exercise 3.1.b: (compare Lecture-Slides 2, Slide 13) function w = getVectorFromRotationMatrix(R) length_w = acos((trace(R)-1)/2); if (length_w == 0) w = [0 0 0]'; else w = 1/(2*sin(length_w))*[R(3,2)-R(2,3) R(1,3)-R(3,1) R(2,1)-R(1,2)]'*length_w; end end % Exercise 3.1.c: % [ exp[w_hat] (I - exp[w_hat]) * w_hat + w*w^T)/|w|)*v ] % exp[xi_hat] = [ ] % [ 0^T 1 ] function V = getTransformMatrixFromTwistCoord(twCoord) v = twCoord(1:3); w = twCoord(4:6); length_w = norm(w); w_hat = [0 -w(3) w(2); w(3) 0 -w(1); -w(2) w(1) 0]; R = getRotationMatrixFromVector(w); T = ((eye(3,3) - R) * w_hat + w * w') * v / length_w; V = [R, T; zeros(1,3), 1]; end % [ v=(I-exp[w_hat])*w_hat+w*w^T)^{-1}*|w|*T ] % xi = [ ] % [ w = hat^{-1}(log(w)) ] function xi = getTwistCoordFromTransformMatrix(g) R = g(1:3,1:3); % extract rotation matrix T = g(1:3,4); % extract translation part w = getVectorFromRotationMatrix(R); % calc corresponding w %testR = getRotationMatrixFromVector(w); w_hat = [0 -w(3) w(2); w(3) 0 -w(1); -w(2) w(1) 0]; % we need w_hat as well v = inv((eye(3,3) - R) * w_hat + w * w') * norm(w) * T; % calc the translation xi = [v; w]; % concatenate into one vector end % ============================== % Exercise 3.2.a: R = [0.1729 -0.1468 0.9739 ; 0.9739 0.1729 -0.1468 ; -0.1468 0.9739 0.1729]; a = getVectorFromRotationMatrix(R); % [1.0472 1.0472 1.0472]' rotationaxis = a / norm(a); % [0.5774 0.5774 0.5774]' angle = norm(a); % 1.8137 % Exercise 3.2.b: [V,D] = eig(R); % [-0.2406 + 0.9706i ; -0.2406 - 0.9706i ; 1] % -0.2887 + 0.5000i -0.2887 - 0.5000i 0.5774 % 0.5774 0.5774 0.5774 % -0.2887 - 0.5000i -0.2887 + 0.5000i 0.5774 % ============================== % Exercise 3.3: function W = rotate_around_ray(V,a,b,alpha) % Will be done in the next exercise end