function mvg_exerciseSheet_06_part2() % Read images: image1 = double(imread('batinria0.pgm')); image2 = double(imread('batinria1.pgm')); [w,h] = size(image2); % Left camera parameters: K1 = [844.310547 0 243.413315; 0 1202.508301 281.529236; 0 0 1]; R1 = [0.655133, 0.031153, 0.754871;0.003613, 0.999009, -0.044364;-0.755505, 0.031792, 0.654371]; T1 = [-793.848328; 269.264465; -744.572876]; % Right camera parameters: K2 = [852.721008 0 252.021805; 0 1215.657349 288.587189; 0 0 1]; R2 = [0.739514, 0.034059, 0.672279;-0.006453, 0.999032, -0.043515;-0.673111, 0.027841, 0.739017]; T2 = [-631.052917; 270.192749; -935.050842]; % Compute the fundamental matrix: g1 = [R1 T1; 0 0 0 1]; g2 = [R2 T2; 0 0 0 1]; g = inv(g2) * g1; T = g(1:3,4); R = g(1:3,1:3); F = inv(K2)' * hat(T) * R * inv(K1) % Click x1 in the first image: figure; imshow(uint8(image1)); hold on; [x1,y1] = ginput(1); plot(x1,y1,'r+'); hold off; % Compute epipolar line for x1: l = F * [x1; y1; 1] % Draw epipolar line in image2: figure; imshow(uint8(image2)); hold on; m = -l(1)/l(2); b = -l(3)/l(2); y1 = m * 1 + b; y2 = m * w + b; line([1 w],[y1 y2]); % %% Additional Part % % Window size for ncc: % n = 6; % % % Initialize ncc result: % maxncc = -10; % nx = 0; % ny = 0; % % % Compute mean intensity value inside window of image1: % mean1 = 0; % x1 = uint8(x1); % y1 = uint8(y1); % for j=-n:n % for i=-n:n % mean1 = mean1 + image1(x1+i,y1+j); % end % end % % % Compute NCC for all pixels on the epipolar line: % for x=n+1:w-n % y = round(m * x + b); % if (y < n+1) y = n+1; end % if (y > h-n) y = h-n; end % % % Compute mean intensity value inside window of image2: % mean2 = 0; % for j=-n:n % for i=-n:n % mean2 = mean2 + image2(x+i,y+j); % end % end % % % Compute integrals of NCC: % sum1 = 0; % sum2 = 0; % sum3 = 0; % for j=-n:n % for i=-n:n % v1 = image1(x1+i,y1+j) - mean1; % v2 = image2(x+i,y+j) - mean2; % sum1 = sum1 + v1 * v2; % sum2 = sum2 + v1 * v1; % sum3 = sum3 + v2 * v2; % end % end % % % Compute NCC: % ncc = sum1 / sqrt(sum2 * sum3); % if (ncc > maxncc) % maxncc = ncc; % nx = x; % ny = y; % end % end %plot(nx,ny,'r+'); hold off; end function A = hat(v) A = [0 -v(3) v(2) ; v(3) 0 -v(1) ; -v(2) v(1) 0]; end