% read the image and from input file f = double(rgb2gray(imread('Vegetation-028.jpg'))); [m, n] = size(f); %% Ex 1,2 % Compute sparse matrices Dx_tilde, Dy_tilde such that % f * Dx_tilde = f_x % and % Dy_tilde * f = f_y: % create a row-vector containing n many ones. e = ones(n, 1); % Put the values of e along the lower diagonal (identified in MATLAB as -1) and % Put the values of -e along the actual diagonal (0) % Dx_tilde is of dimension nxn Dx_tilde = spdiags([e -e], -1:0, n, n); % Take care of the Boundary conditions. Dx_tilde(:, end) = 0; % compute the x-derivative f_x (Output f_x is a matrix) f_x = f*Dx_tilde; % Put the values of -e along the actual diagonal (0) and % Put the values of e along the upper diagonal (1) % Dx_tilde is of dimension nxn e = ones(m, 1); Dy_tilde = spdiags([-e e], 0:1, m, m); % boundary conditions Dy_tilde(end, end) = 0; % compute the y-derivative f_y (Output f_y is a matrix) f_y = Dy_tilde*f; %% % Visualize f_x and f_y figure; imshow(f_x, []); figure; imshow(f_y, []); %% Ex 3 % Apply the formula from the exercise sheet. Dx = kron(Dx_tilde', speye(m)); Dy = kron(speye(n), Dy_tilde); %% Ex 4 % vectorize the image. vec_f = f(:); % vectorize the x-derivative f_x vec_f_x = f_x(:); % According to the formula from the exercise sheet Dx*vec(f) should be the % same as vec(f_x). diff = norm(Dx*vec_f - vec_f_x(:)); ['Difference should be zero: ' num2str(diff)] % Same holds for the y-derivative f_y diff = norm(Dy*f(:) - f_y(:)); ['Difference should be zero: ' num2str(diff)] %% Ex 5 % Assemble a color gradient using the kronecker product kron and cat and the matrices Dx and Dy. % (See Wikipedia for a definition of the kronecker product.) Nabla_c = cat(1, kron(speye(3), Dx), kron(speye(3), Dy)); %% Ex 6 % Read the image from the file f1_c = double(imread('Vegetation-028.jpg')); % Compute the color gradient by applying Nabla_c to the vectorized color % image. The result is a vectorized n*m x 3 x 2 Tensor containing the % 3 x 2 Color gradients for each pixel. Nabla_c_f1_vec = Nabla_c * f1_c(:); % to compute color TV we at each pixel need to compute the Frobenius % norm of the 3 x 2 Color gradients and sum the values. % Since the Frobenius norm of a matrix is equal to the 2-norm of the % vectorized matrix we reshape Nabla_c_f1 to a m*n x 6 matrix... Nabla_c_f1_mat = reshape(Nabla_c_f1_vec, m*n, 6); % ...and for each row (corresponding to a pixel) compute the 2-norm of the % row and... sq1 = sqrt(sum(Nabla_c_f1_mat.^2, 2)); % ...finally sum over all rows. TV_c_f1 = sum(sq1); ['TV of Vegetation-028.jpg is ' num2str(TV_c_f1/(m*n))] % Same for the other image. f2_c = double(imread('Vegetation-043.jpg')); Nabla_c_f2 = Nabla_c * f2_c(:); sq2 = sqrt(sum(reshape(Nabla_c_f2, m*n, 6).^2, 2)); TV_c_f2 = sum(sq2); ['TV of Vegetation-043.jpg is ' num2str(TV_c_f2/(m*n))] % Same for a constant image. f3_c = 255 * ones(m, n, 3); Nabla_c_f3 = Nabla_c * f3_c(:); sq3 = sqrt(sum(reshape(Nabla_c_f3, m*n, 6).^2, 2)); TV_c_f3 = sum(sq3); ['TV of a constant image should be zero ' num2str(TV_c_f3/(m*n))]