% generated by bibtexbrowser % % Encoding: UTF-8 @inproceedings{Bender0C17, author = {D. Bender and W. Koch and D. Cremers}, title = {Map-based drone homing using shortcuts}, booktitle = {2017 {IEEE} International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, {MFI} 2017, Daegu, Korea (South), November 16-18, 2017}, pages = {505--511}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2017}, } @inproceedings{SBCK-10, author = {M. Schikora and D. Bender and D. Cremers and W. Koch}, title = {Passive Multi-Object Localization and Tracking Using Bearing Data}, month = {July}, year = {2010}, booktitle = {13th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION)}, address = {Edinburgh, UK}, titleurl = {2010_sbck_fusion.pdf}, } @inproceedings{SBKC-10, author = {M. Schikora and D. Bender and W. Koch and D. Cremers}, title = { Multi-target multi-sensor localization and tracking using passive antenna and optical sensors on UAVs }, month = {September}, year = {2010}, booktitle = {SPIE Security + Defence}, address = {Toulouse, France}, titleurl = {2010_sbkc_spie.pdf}, } @inproceedings{bender_etal_2013uavg, author = {D. Bender and M. Schikora and J. Sturm and D. Cremers}, title = {Graph-based bundle adjustment for INS-camera calibration}, year = {2013}, address = {Rostock, Germany}, month = {September}, award = {Best research paper award}, booktitle = {Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Geomatics (UAV-g)}, keywords = {quadrocopter,sturmselection}, } @inproceedings{bender_sdf2014, author = {D. Bender and M. Schikora and J. Sturm and D. Cremers}, title = {INS-Camera Calibration without Ground Control Points}, booktitle = {9th IEEE ISIF Workshop on Sensor Data Fusion: Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF)}, year = {2014}, titleurl = {bender_sdf2014.pdf}, } @inproceedings{BenderCK16, author = {D. Bender and D. Cremers and W. Koch}, title = {A position free boresight calibration for INS-camera systems}, booktitle = {2016 {IEEE} International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, {MFI} 2016, Baden-Baden, Germany, September 19-21, 2016}, pages = {52--57}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2016}, } @inproceedings{BenderRSCK16, author = {D. Bender and F. Rouatbi and M. Schikora and D. Cremers and W. Koch}, title = {Scaling the world of monocular {SLAM} with INS-measurements for {UAS} navigation}, booktitle = {19th International Conference on Information Fusion, {FUSION} 2016, Heidelberg, Germany, July 5-8, 2016}, pages = {1493--1500}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2016}, keywords = {vslam}, }