% generated by bibtexbrowser % % Encoding: UTF-8 @inproceedings{tomani2023dac, title = {Beyond In-Domain Scenarios: Robust Density-Aware Calibration}, author = {C Tomani and F Waseda and Y Shen and D Cremers}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)}, year = {2023}, eprint = {2302.05118}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, keywords = {deep learning}, } @inproceedings{wang2021epfgnn, author = {Y Wang and Y Shen and D Cremers}, title = {Explicit pairwise factorized graph neural network for semi-supervised node classification}, booktitle = {UAI}, year = {2021}, eprint = {2107.13059}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, eprintclass = {cs.LG}, keywords = {deep learning, graph neural network}, } @inproceedings{hsu2022gats, title = {What Makes Graph Neural Networks Miscalibrated?}, author = {HHH Hsu and Y Shen and C Tomani and D Cremers}, booktitle = {NeurIPS}, year = {2022}, eprint = {2210.06391}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, eprintclass = {cs.LG}, keywords = {deep learning, graph neural network, calibration}, } @inproceedings{shen2022dca, title = {Deep Combinatorial Aggregation}, author = {Y Shen and D Cremers}, booktitle = {NeurIPS}, year = {2022}, eprint = {2210.06436}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, eprintclass = {cs.LG}, keywords = {deep learning, uncertainty-aware learning}, } @inproceedings{hsu2022a, title = {A Graph Is More Than Its Nodes: Towards Structured Uncertainty-Aware Learning on Graphs}, author = {HHH Hsu and Y Shen and D Cremers}, booktitle = {NeurIPS 2022 Workshop: New Frontiers in Graph Learning}, year = {2022}, eprint = {2210.15575}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, eprintclass = {cs.LG}, keywords = {deep learning, graph neural network, uncertainty estimation, calibration}, } @inproceedings{koke2024transferability, title = {Transferability for Graph Convolutional Networks}, author = {C Koke and A Saroha and Y Shen and M Eisenberger and MM. Bronstein and D Cremers}, booktitle = {ICML 2024 Workshop on Geometry-grounded Representation Learning and Generative Modeling}, year = {2024}, award = {Outstanding Extended Abstract}, url = {https://openreview.net/forum?id=rKEdfcaqYX}, } @inproceedings{koke2023resolvnet, title = {ResolvNet: A Graph Convolutional Network with multi-scale Consistency}, author = {C Koke and A Saroha and Y Shen and M Eisenberger and D Cremers}, booktitle = {NeurIPS 2023 Workshop: New Frontiers in Graph Learning}, award = {Oral Presentation}, year = {2023}, eprint = {2310.00431}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.02099primaryClass=cs.LG}, } @inproceedings{shen2024variational, title = {Variational Learning is Effective for Large Deep Networks}, author = {Y Shen and N Daheim and B Cong and P Nickl and GM Marconi and C Bazan and R Yokota and I Gurevych and D Cremers and ME Khan and T Möllenhoff}, booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)}, year = {2024}, award = {Spotlight}, eprint = {2402.17641}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, eprintclass = {cs.LG}, keywords = {deep learning}, }