2020 ERC Advanced Grant
Daniel Cremers received the Advanced Grant "SIMULACRON" (3.5 Mio Euro) for pioneering frontier research from the European Research Council.
Teaching Award 2020
Our practical course "Vision-based Navigation" (WS18, SS19) by usenko and Publications was honored as best practical course in the academic year 2018/2019 by the department for Informatics.
Teach Inf Award 2017
The Lecture "Computer Vision II: Multiple View Geometry" (summer 2017) of Prof. Cremers received the Best Lecture Award by the Department of Informatics.
Sofja Kovalevskaja Award 2017
On November 15 2017, Laura Leal-Taixé received the prestigious Sofja Kovalevskaja Award (1.65 Mio €) by the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation.
CVPR 2016 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award
Our CVPR 2016 paper Sublabel-Accurate Relaxation of Nonconvex Energies (Möllenhoff, Laude, Moeller, Lellmann, Cremers) received the Best Paper Honorable Mention Award.
SGP 2016 Best Paper Award
Our SGP 2016 paper Non-rigid puzzles (Litany, Rodolà, Bronstein, Bronstein, Cremers) received the Best Paper Award.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award 2016
On March 1st 2016, Prof. Cremers received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award 2016, the biggest award in German academia.
Teach Inf Award 2016
The Lecture "Computer Vision I: Variational Methods" (fall 2015/16) of Prof. Cremers received the Best Lecture Award by the Department of Informatics.
VMV 2015 Best Paper Award
Our VMV 2015 paper Point-wise Map Recovery and Refinement from Functional Correspondence (Rodolà, Möller, Cremers) received the Best Paper Award.
2015 Georges Giralt PhD Award
Jörg Stückler won the 2015 Georges Giralt Award by euRobotics aisbl for his PhD thesis.
2015 ERC Consolidator Grant
Daniel Cremers won a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant (2 Mio Euro).
2014 Google Faculty Research Award
Daniel Cremers won a Google Faculty Research Award. The Award is endowed with 145.000 USD for supporting research in computer vision.
2014 ISMAR Best Short Paper Award
Our ISMAR 2014 paper Semi-Dense Visual Odometry for AR on a Smartphone (Schöps,Engel,Cremers) received the Best Short Paper Award.
2014 EMVA Young Professional Award
Jakob Engel received the Young Professional Award from the European Machine Vision Association for his work on Semi-Dense Visual Odometry for a Monocular Camera.
2014 ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Daniel Cremers won an ERC Proof of Concept Grant.
2013 TUM TeachInf Best Lecture Award
Jürgen Sturm receives the TUM TeachInf best lecture award 2013 for his course Visual navigation for Flying Robots.
2013 UAV-g Best Paper Award
Our paper Graph-based bundle adjustment for INS-camera calibration (D. Bender, M. Schikora, J. Sturm, D. Cremers) receives the best paper award at the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Geomatics (UAV-g) conference.
2013 Nomination for Best Vision Paper at ICRA
Our ICRA Paper "Robust Odometry Estimation for RGB-D Cameras" (C. Kerl, J. Sturm, D. Cremers) has been nominated for the ICRA Best Vision Paper award 2013.
2013 Google Doctoral Fellowship
June 11, 2013: Evgeny Strekalovskiy was awarded the 2013 Google European Doctoral Fellowship in Image Analysis.
2012 Siemens Award
December 07, 2012: Jakob Engel was awarded the SIEMENS award for the best Master's Thesis 2012 for his work on Autonomous Camera-Based Navigation of a Quadrocopter.
2012 Teach Inf Award
December 07, 2012: Jürgen Sturm was distinguished with the Teach Inf Award for the best lecture in summer term 2012.
2012 Intel Doctoral Student Honor Award
October 25, 2012: Evgeny Strekalovskiy received the prestigious Intel Doctoral Student Honor Award.
2012 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award
August 29, 2012: Jürgen Sturm received the Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award 2011 from the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI).
2012 Finalist for the Georges-Giralt-Award
Jürgen Sturm was selected as a finalist for the Georges-Giralt-Award by the European Robotics Research Network (EURON).
2011 Wolfgang-Gentner-Award
September 2, 2011: Jürgen Sturm receives the Wolfgang-Gentner-Award 2011 for his PhD-Thesis.
2010: 40 Top Researchers Below 40
According to the journal Capital (December 2010), Prof. Daniel Cremers is among "Germany's 40 Top Researchers Below 40".
2010 ACCV Best Paper Honorable Mention
At the Tenth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), the Best Paper Honorable Mention has been awarded to the paper
- E. Toeppe, M. R. Oswald, D. Cremers, C. Rother:
**Image-based 3D modeling via Cheeger sets**.
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Queenstown, New Zealand, November 2010
2009 DAGM Best Paper Award
At the 2009 Annual Symposium of the German Pattern Recognition Society (DAGM), the best paper award (main prize) has been assigned to the paper
- B. Goldluecke, D. Cremers:
**A Superresolution Framework for High-Accuracy Multiview Reconstruction**.
Pattern Recognition (Proc. DAGM) Jena, Germany, 2009
2009 DAGM Paper Award
At the 2009 Annual Symposium of the German Pattern Recognition Society (DAGM), the paper award has been assigned to the paper
- M.R.Oswald, E.Toeppe, K.Kolev, D. Cremers:
**Non-Parametric Single View Reconstruction of Curved Objects using Convex Optimization**.
Pattern Recognition (Proc. DAGM) Jena, Germany, 2009
2009 ERC Starting Grant
Daniel Cremers won a prestigious ERC Starting Grant (2 Mio Euro).
2008 DAGM SMI Young Investigator Award
Maria Klodt receives the 2008 DAGM SMI Award for her Master Thesis on Convex Optimization for Multiview Reconstruction.
2008 Best Master Thesis in Computer Science
Maria Klodt received an award for Best Master Thesis in Computer Science from the Bonn Computer Science Society.
2007 DAGM SMI Award
Andreas Wedel received a 2007 DAGM SMI Award for his Master Thesis on obstacle detection from monocular video.
2005 UCLA Chancellor's Award for Postdoctoral Research
Daniel Cremers was elected from more than 1000 postdoctoral scientists at the University of California at Los Angeles.
2005 DAGM Best Paper Award
At the 2005 Annual Symposium of the German Pattern Recognition Society (DAGM), the best paper award (main prize) has been assigned to the paper
- B. Rosenhahn, U. Kersting, D. Smith, J. Gurney, T. Brox, R. Klette:
**A system for marker-less human motion estimation**.
In W. Kropatsch, R. Sablatnig, A. Hanbury (Eds): Pattern Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3663, Springer, Berlin, 230-237, 2005.
2004 Olympus Award (German Pattern Recognition Award)
Awarded to Daniel Cremers. This prize constitutes the highest award given by the German Pattern Recognition Society (DAGM).
2004 Longuet-Higgins Best Paper Award
This prize is awarded for the best contribution at the Eighth European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2004). It is regarded as the highest European computer vision award. From a total of 555 manuscripts submitted to the conference, the following paper has been selected:
- T. Brox, A. Bruhn, N. Papenberg, J. Weickert:
**High accuracy optical flow estimation based on a theory for warping**.
In T. Pajdla, J. Matas (Eds.): Computer Vision - ECCV 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3024, Springer, Berlin, 25-36, 2004.
2003 Best Paper of the Year
This award constitutes the highest award given by the International Pattern Recognition Society.
- D. Cremers, T. Kohlberger and C. Schnörr:**Shape Statistics in Kernel Space for Variational Image Segmentation**
Pattern Recognition 36(9): 1929-1943.
2002 DAGM Best Paper Award
At the 2002 Annual Symposium of the German Pattern Recognition Society (DAGM), the best paper award (main prize) has been assigned to the paper
- D. Cremers and C. Schnörr:Motion Competition: Variational Integration of Motion Segmentation and Shape Regularization,
German Conf. on Pattern Recognition (DAGM), Zrich, September 2002
2001 IEEE Best Student Paper Award
given to the paper
- D. Cremers, C. Schnörr and J. Weickert:Diffusion-Snakes Combining Statistical Shape Knowledge and Image Information in a Variational Framework
IEEE Intl. Workshop on Variational and Levelset Methods
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