Abhishek Saroha
PhD StudentTechnical University of MunichSchool of Computation, Information and Technology
Informatics 9
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching
Tel: +49-89-289-17784
Fax: +49-89-289-17757
Office: 02.09.053
Mail: Abhishek.Saroha@in.tum.de
Please also see my LinkedIn and my Twitter account.
I am looking for motivated and talented students to work on the topics related, but not limited to, 3D/4D reconstruction, shape analysis, generative modelling and geometric deep learning. If you are, interested please contact me directly via email and highlight your relevant academic experience and programming skills. Additionally, please include a CV and a recent transcript. Some basic prerequisites for the same are:
- Solid foundation in math
- Proficiency in Python, with experience in PyTorch/Tensorflow
- Have attended at least one related CV course(incl. seminar and lab course).
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[] Implicit Shape Completion via Adversarial Shape Priors , In arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.10060, 2022.
Conference and Workshop Papers
[] DiffCD: A Symmetric Differentiable Chamfer Distance for Neural Implicit Surface Fitting , In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
[] Gaussian Splatting in Style , In German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR), 2024.
[] Transferability for Graph Convolutional Networks , In ICML 2024 Workshop on Geometry-grounded Representation Learning and Generative Modeling, 2024.
Outstanding Extended Abstract [] Enhancing Surface Neural Implicits with Curvature-Guided Sampling and Uncertainty-Augmented Representations , In ECCV workshop: wild in 3D, 2024. ([project page])
[] ResolvNet: A Graph Convolutional Network with multi-scale Consistency , In NeurIPS 2023 Workshop: New Frontiers in Graph Learning, 2023.
Oral Presentation