Master Seminar - Visual-based 3D/4D Reconstruction (5 ECTS)
Winter Semester 2024/25, TU München
Organisers: Weirong Chen, Linus Härenstam-Nielsen
Please direct all questions to
3D reconstruction captures the shape and appearance of real objects and scenes, involving techniques that convert 2D images or sensor data into 3D digital representations. It enables detailed analysis, modeling, and interaction with physical environments in virtual space. 4D reconstruction further extends this by incorporating the dimension of time, recovering the motion of dynamic models. These technologies have wide applications in medical imaging, entertainment, autonomous driving, mixed reality, and robotics.
In this seminar, we will cover recent developments in 3D/4D reconstruction based on visual models, providing a list of exciting research papers. Each student will need to study one selected paper and give a presentation on the paper's content and their study outcomes.
The seminar is conducted in English. Dates and schedule of the seminar can be found in TUMOnline.
Material and Schedule
The seminar will be arranged as a 2-hour weekly course (Thursday 1pm-3pm), where each student will present a paper assigned after matching.
The kick-off meeting took place on Zoom, on Thursday 4th July at 11:00 am: zoom link. The slides of the kick-off meeting can be found here as slides. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Assignment to the lab is done via the matching system. In addition to applying to the matching system please remember to also send in your application documents by the registration deadline.