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Computer Vision Group
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich



Informatik IX
Computer Vision Group

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching info@vision.in.tum.de

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We have seven papers accepted to ECCV 2024. Check our publication page for more details.

GCPR / VMV 2024

GCPR / VMV 2024

We are organizing GCPR / VMV 2024 this fall.


We have twelve papers accepted to CVPR 2024. Check our publication page for more details.


We have four papers accepted to ICCV 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


CVPR 2023

We have six papers accepted to CVPR 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


Seminar: Deep Learning for the Natural Sciences (5 ECTS)

Summer Semester 2024

Organiser: Karnik Ram, Annalena Kofler


Following its success in computer vision and language processing, deep learning is now being increasingly used to augment and accelerate research in the natural sciences. Examples include electro-catalyst discovery for energy storage, fast PDE solvers for weather forecasting, discovery of new anti-biotics, and many other advances that were not possible using traditional methods alone. In this seminar, we will discuss relevant papers in this new area, with an emphasis on the deep learning techniques powering these approaches such as geometric deep learning, generative models, and self-supervised learning.

  • Students are expected to study one paper in depth, and present and lead a discussion on it. Apart from the presentation and report, students are also expected to periodically submit one-paragraph summaries of the papers discussed, and participate in the discussions.
  • Sessions will be held in-person (with a remote attendance option) once every two weeks, on Tueday afternoon (14:30 - 16:30). There will be two paper presentations in every session. There may also be a catch-up lecture on certain relevant topics from deep learning (eg. diffusion models, graph learning) at the start based on interest.
  • All class-related communications are over Discord, and the summaries, presentation, and report are managed on Gradescope.

A good understanding of machine learning techniques (esp. deep learning), linear algebra, and calculus. Undergraduate students are requested to check with the organizer before enrolling.


Location: CIT Seminarraum 00.08.055

Time: 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Virtual: Zoom Link

Date Paper Presenter Contact Material
April 16 Introductory session Karnik, Annalena Introduction
May 7 Fourier Neural Operator for Parametric Partial Differential Equations Jyotishman KR Slides
Message Passing Neural PDE Solvers Richard AK Slides
May 14 GraphCast: Learning skillful medium-range global weather forecasting Leon (self-suggested)
Voted best presentation #1
KR Slides
ClimaX: A foundation model for weather and climate Ulas AK Slides
May 28 Improved protein structure prediction using potentials from deep learning Berfin KR Slides
Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold Hlib AK Slides
June 11 Equivariant Diffusion for Molecule Generation in 3D Niklas KR Slides
Antigen-Specific Antibody Design and Optimization with Diffusion-Based Generative Models for Protein Structures Aiina AK Slides
June 25 Physics-informed neural networks: A deep learning framework for solving forward and inverse problems involving nonlinear partial differential equations Jan KR Slides
Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas through deep reinforcement learning Ferdinand AK Slides
July 9 A Self-Attention Ansatz for Ab-initio Quantum Chemistry Nils
Voted best presentation #2
KR Slides
An-Initio Potential Energy Surfaces by Pairing GNNs with Neural Wave Functions Philip AK Slides
GemNet: Universal Directional Graph Neural Networks for Molecules Sarthak (self-suggested) AK Slides

List of potential papers
Additional Resources

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Informatik IX
Computer Vision Group

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching info@vision.in.tum.de

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We have seven papers accepted to ECCV 2024. Check our publication page for more details.

GCPR / VMV 2024

GCPR / VMV 2024

We are organizing GCPR / VMV 2024 this fall.


We have twelve papers accepted to CVPR 2024. Check our publication page for more details.


We have four papers accepted to ICCV 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


CVPR 2023

We have six papers accepted to CVPR 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.
