by J Liu, I Chiotellis, R Triebel and D Cremers
Effective Version Space Reduction for Convolutional Neural Networks (J Liu, I Chiotellis, R Triebel and D Cremers), In European Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (ECML-PKDD), 2020. ([arxiv])
Bibtex Entry:
@string{ecml="European Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (ECML-PKDD)"}
title = {Effective Version Space Reduction for Convolutional Neural Networks},
author = {J Liu and I Chiotellis and R Triebel and D Cremers},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.12456},
year = {2020},
booktitle = {European Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (ECML-PKDD)},
keywords = {deep learning, active learning, convolutional neural networks},