by A. Wedel, T. Schoenemann, T. Brox and D. Cremers
WarpCut - Fast obstacle segmentation in monocular video (A. Wedel, T. Schoenemann, T. Brox and D. Cremers), In Pattern Recognition (Proc. DAGM), Springer, 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
@string{dagm="Pattern Recognition (Proc. DAGM)"}
author = {A. Wedel and T. Schoenemann and T. Brox and D. Cremers},
title = {WarpCut - Fast obstacle segmentation in monocular video},
booktitle = {Pattern Recognition (Proc. DAGM)},
address = {Heidelberg, Germany},
series = {LNCS},
publisher = {Springer},
month = {sep},
year = {2007},
titleurl = {wedel_dagm07.pdf},
topic = {ObstacleSegmentation},
copyright = {{Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007}},