by AG Gul, O Cetin, C Reich, N Flinner, T Prangemeier and H Koeppl
Histopathological Image Classification based on Self-Supervised Vision Transformer and Weak Labels (AG Gul, O Cetin, C Reich, N Flinner, T Prangemeier and H Koeppl), In Medical Imaging 2022: Digital and Computational Pathology, Proceedings of SPIE, volume 12039, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
@string{spie="Proceedings of SPIE"}
title = {Histopathological Image Classification based on Self-Supervised Vision Transformer and Weak Labels},
author = {AG Gul and O Cetin and C Reich and N Flinner and T Prangemeier and H Koeppl},
booktitle = {Medical Imaging 2022: Digital and Computational Pathology},
volume = {12039},
organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics},
publisher = {Proceedings of SPIE},
pages = {366--373},
year = {2022},
eprint = {2210.09021},
eprinttype = {arXiv},
eprintclass = {cs.CV},
titleurl = {reich2022compat.png},