Technical University of Munich
School of Computation, Information and Technology
Informatics 9
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching
Fax: +49-89-289-17757
Research Interests
Variational Methods, Continuous and Discrete Optimization, Computer Graphics, Mathematics, Statistical Methods
Brief Bio
Eno Töppe studied Computer Science at Bonn University. He received the "Vordiplom" degree in 2006 and the "Diplom" degree in 2008. His master thesis was awarded the price for the best master thesis of the year by the Bonn Society for Computer Science.
Since 2009 he is a Ph.D. student in the Research Group for Computer Vision, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Technical University of Munich, Germany, headed by Professor Daniel Cremers. Eno Töppe is supported by Microsoft Research, Cambridge. He is coadvised by Carsten Rother and Andrew Fitzgibbon (MSR Cambridge).
I am currently working in the following research areas:
![]() | 3D Reconstruction from a Single Image. Based on a single image the silhouette of the object is extracted. By applying additional constraints e.g. on the volume of the object or the shape along cross sections 3D models can be computed from variational approaches. |
![]() | Image Segmentation. Theoretical and experimental comparison of discrete and continuous optimization methods for multilabel problems. |
![]() | Planar Graph Cuts. The PlanarCut library computes a max-flow/min-s-t-cut on planar graphs. It implements an efficient algorithm, which has almost linear running time. The code to the project can be downloaded. |