by T. Pock, paperM. Urschler, C. Zach, R. Beichel and H. Bischof
A Duality Based Algorithm for TV-L1-Optical-Flow Image Registration (T. Pock, paperM. Urschler, C. Zach, R. Beichel and H. Bischof), In 10th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {T. Pock and paperM. Urschler and C. Zach and R. Beichel and H. Bischof},
title = {A Duality Based Algorithm for TV-L1-Optical-Flow Image Registration},
optcrossref = {},
optkey = {},
booktitle = {10th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention},
pages = {511--518},
year = {2007},
opteditor = {},
optvolume = {},
optnumber = {},
optseries = {},
address = {Brisbane, Australia},
optmonth = {},
optorganization = {},
optpublisher = {},
optnote = {},
optannote = {},
keywords = {optical-flow},