by D. Cremers, F. Tischhäuser, J. Weickert and C. Schnörr
Diffusion Snakes: Introducing statistical shape knowledge into the Mumford–Shah functional (D. Cremers, F. Tischhäuser, J. Weickert and C. Schnörr), In International Journal of Computer Vision, volume 50, 2002.
Bibtex Entry:
@string{ijcv="International Journal of Computer Vision"}
author = {D. Cremers and F. Tischhäuser and J. Weickert and C. Schnörr},
title = {Diffusion {S}nakes: {I}ntroducing statistical shape knowledge into
the {M}umford--{S}hah functional},
journal = {International Journal of Computer Vision},
year = {2002},
volume = {50},
pages = {295--313},
number = {3},
titleurl = {cremers_et_al_ijcv02.pdf},
keywords = {shape-priors},
topic = {Shape Priors, Segmentation, Statistics},