Multiple View Geometry (IN2228)
SS 2015, TU München
Location: Room 02.09.023
Time and Date:
Wednesday 10:15 - 11:45
Thursday 10:15 - 11:00
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Daniel Cremers
Start: Wednesday, April 22nd 2015
The lecture is held in English. Please register via TUMonline!
Location: Room 02.05.014
Time and Date: Tuesday 10:00 - 12:15
Organization: Julia Diebold, Robert Maier
(If you have any questions please email to:
Start: Tuesday, April 28th 2015
You can review your exam on Wednesday, August 12th 2015 between 10:00 - 10:30 in MI 02.09.023.
The lecture introduces the basic concepts of image formation - perspective projection and camera motion. The goal is to reconstruct the three-dimensional world and the camera motion from multiple images. To this end, one determines correspondences between points in various images and respective constraints that allow to compute motion and 3D structure. A particular emphasis of the lecture is on mathematical descriptions of rigid body motion and of perspective projection. For estimating camera motion and 3D geometry we will make use of both spectral methods and methods of nonlinear optimization.
Lecture Material
Lecture Videos
Yi Ma, Stefano Soatto, Jana Kosecka, Shankar S. Sastry. An Invitation to 3-D Vision