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Computer Vision Group
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich



Informatik IX
Computer Vision Group

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching info@vision.in.tum.de

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We have seven papers accepted to ECCV 2024. Check our publication page for more details.

GCPR / VMV 2024

GCPR / VMV 2024

We are organizing GCPR / VMV 2024 this fall.


We have twelve papers accepted to CVPR 2024. Check our publication page for more details.


We have four papers accepted to ICCV 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


CVPR 2023

We have six papers accepted to CVPR 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


Seminar: Data Assimilation

Seminar for computer science master students (IN2107).


Data assimilation is the process of fitting dynamical systems (physical models) to observational data. As such, these algorithms are a key component in numerical weather prediction systems, which are used, for example, at the ECMWF. We will understand the problem statement and evaluate several solution strategies. Every student will be assigned one particular data assimilation algorithm to implement on a toy model and present to the group.

After an initial meeting, the seminar will be held as a one week block seminar in the middle of the semester. We will choose time slots that don't conflict with other classes.

Material and Schedule

Seminar material and the schedule can be accessed here.


  • Date: Friday, February 5, 2021
  • Time: 1pm
  • Location: Online, Zoom-Link and password are provided in the TUM Online description of this seminar; you need to be logged in to see this
Initial meeting
  • Date: Wednesday, April 14
  • Time: 1pm - Zoom link was provided via email
  • In this meeting, we will distribute topics.
  • Registration is done via the TUM matching platform
  • Attendance in the seminar sessions is mandatory
  • Preference is given to students with a pertinent background in relevant fields of applied mathematics (Linear Algebra, Analysis, Numerical Optimization, Probability/Stats) and experience with scientific programming in Python (numpy, scipy).
  • Important: When registering at the TUM matching platform, please also send an email to DA-seminar@vision.in.tum.de in which you write your full name, matriculation number and where you state and prove prior exposure to these topics, e.g., with a transcript of records, prior course projects etc..
Block Seminar
  • Dates: Wednesday/Thursday, May 19/20
  • Time: 12.30 - 2pm
Final Report

Final reports should be written in LaTeX. A template will be provided.

Rechte Seite

Informatik IX
Computer Vision Group

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching info@vision.in.tum.de

Follow us on:

YouTube X / Twitter Facebook



We have seven papers accepted to ECCV 2024. Check our publication page for more details.

GCPR / VMV 2024

GCPR / VMV 2024

We are organizing GCPR / VMV 2024 this fall.


We have twelve papers accepted to CVPR 2024. Check our publication page for more details.


We have four papers accepted to ICCV 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


CVPR 2023

We have six papers accepted to CVPR 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.
