Practical Course: Vision-based Navigation IN2106 (6h SWS / 10 ECTS)
SS 2022, TU München
Lecturers: Jason Chui, Simon Klenk
Please direct questions to
- 2022-06-20: We are doing the meetings in 02.09.038 today.
- 2022-05-30: Remember to register your group, your topic, and the meeting's timeslot in the google sheet, you can find it in the material page
- 2022-05-30: We have no lecture for today and the tutorial session will start at 4pm as usual
- 2022-05-02: On 2nd May 2022 (Monday), we will have the first lecture at 2 pm in Seminarraum 02.09.023. Please make sure to have access to a development machine(Linux). Virtual room for those who join the first tutor session online, (667989)
- 2022-03-09: We have sent all matched student a email, if you have not received any, please contact us.
- 2022-02-01: The premeeting slides (ss22) has been uploaded
- 2022-01-19: The premeeting will be on 01.02.2022