by HHH Hsu, Y Shen and D Cremers
A Graph Is More Than Its Nodes: Towards Structured Uncertainty-Aware Learning on Graphs (HHH Hsu, Y Shen and D Cremers), In NeurIPS 2022 Workshop: New Frontiers in Graph Learning, 2022. ([code])
Bibtex Entry:
title = {A Graph Is More Than Its Nodes: Towards Structured Uncertainty-Aware Learning on Graphs},
author = {HHH Hsu and Y Shen and D Cremers},
booktitle = {NeurIPS 2022 Workshop: New Frontiers in Graph Learning},
year = {2022},
eprint = {2210.15575},
eprinttype = {arXiv},
eprintclass = {cs.LG},
keywords = {deep learning, graph neural network, uncertainty estimation, calibration},