by D. Cremers and G. Funka-Lea
Dynamical statistical shape priors for level set based tracking (D. Cremers and G. Funka-Lea), In Intl. Workshop on Variational and Level Set Methods (N. Paragios, F. Faugeras, T. Chan, C. Schnörr, eds.), Springer, volume 3752, 2005. (210–221)
Bibtex Entry:
author = {D. Cremers and G. Funka-Lea},
title = {Dynamical statistical shape priors for level set based tracking},
booktitle = {Intl. {W}orkshop on {V}ariational and {L}evel {S}et {M}ethods},
year = {2005},
editor = {N. Paragios and F. Faugeras and T. Chan and C. Schn{\"o}rr},
volume = {3752},
series = {LNCS},
publisher = {Springer},
keywords = {dynamical shape priors},
titleurl = {cremers_funkalea_05.pdf},
topic = {Shape Priors, Statistics, Dynamical Systems, Segmentation, Tracking},