Recent Advances in the Analysis of 3D Shapes
The preparation meeting is already over. If you want to participate, but couldn't come, please write an email to Thomas Windheuser . For more information see our slides of the preparation meeting.
Seminar for computer science master students (IN2107) and mathematics bachelor and master students.
The seminar will be similar to the previous seminar in summer semester 2014. For more information see here: Seminar: Recent Advances in the Analysis of 3D Shapes.
Threedimensional data has been used for decades in computer science. Nevertheless, methods for the automatic analysis, recognition, categorization and comparison of 3D objects have become an active field of research only recently. In this seminar, we will start by reviewing the classical approaches in the literature and then proceed to investigate methods for automatic retrieval and analysis of 3D models. The course will touch upon the most recent advances in the field. Particular emphasis will be put on defining and computing similarity between shapes, when these shapes are allowed to undergo nonrigid deformations (e.g. different poses of a human model).
Final Report
Final reports should be written in LaTeX using the provided template: Report template.
The weekly meetings will take place on Thursday 14:00 in room 02.09.023. Each week two students will give a presentation. Depending on the number of participants, dates may change.
- Robust Region Detection via Consensus Segmentation of Deformable Shapes
Rodolà et al.
Computer Graphics Forum 33(5), 2014
- Probably approximately symmetric: Fast rigid symmetry detection with global guarantees
Korman et al.
Computer Graphics Forum, 2014
- Scale-invariant heat kernel signatures for non-rigid shape recognition
Bronstein and Kokkinos
Proc. CVPR 2010
- Geodesics in heat: A new approach to computing distance based on heat flow
Crane et al.
ACM Trans. Graphics 32(5), 2013
- Functional Maps: A Flexible Representation of Maps Between Shapes
Ovsjanikov et al.
ACM Trans. Graphics 31(4), 2012
- Supervised learning of bag-of-features shape descriptors using sparse coding
Litman et al.
Computer Graphics Forum 33(5), 2014
- Cross-Collection Map Inference by Intrinsic Alignment of Shape Spaces
Shapira and Ben-Chen
Computer Graphics Forum 33(5), 2014
- A Low-Dimensional Representation for Robust Partial Isometric Correspondences Computation
Brunton et al.
Graphical Models, 2014.