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Computer Vision Group
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich



Informatik IX
Computer Vision Group

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching info@vision.in.tum.de

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We have seven papers accepted to ECCV 2024. Check our publication page for more details.

GCPR / VMV 2024

GCPR / VMV 2024

We are organizing GCPR / VMV 2024 this fall.


We have twelve papers accepted to CVPR 2024. Check our publication page for more details.


We have four papers accepted to ICCV 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


CVPR 2023

We have six papers accepted to CVPR 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


Projects in Visual SLAM

Learning Correspondence Uncertainty via Differentiable Nonlinear Least Squares[Read more]
DirectTracker: 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Direct Image Alignment and Photometric Bundle Adjustment[Read more]
The Probabilistic Normal Epipolar Constraint for Frame-To-Frame Rotation Optimization under Uncertain Feature Positions[Read more]
TANDEM: Tracking and Dense Mapping in Real-time using Deep Multi-view Stereo[Read more]
DM-VIO: Delayed Marginalization Visual-Inertial Odometry[Read more]
Square Root Marginalization for Sliding-Window Bundle Adjustment[Read more]
Tight Integration of Feature-based Relocalization in Monocular Direct Visual Odometry[Read more]
Square Root Bundle Adjustment for Large-Scale Reconstruction[Read more]
LM-Reloc: Levenberg-Marquardt Based Direct Visual Relocalization[Read more]
Distributed Photometric Bundle Adjustment[Read more]
DH3D: Deep Hierarchical 3D Descriptors for Robust Large-Scale 6DoF Relocalization[Read more]
Efficient Derivative Computation for Cumulative B-Splines on Lie Groups[Read more]
D3VO: Deep Depth, Deep Pose and Deep Uncertainty for Monocular Visual Odometry[Read more]
DirectShape: Direct Photometric Alignment of Shape Priors[Read more]
GN-Net: The Gauss-Newton Loss for Multi-Weather Relocalization[Read more]
Basalt: Visual-Inertial Mapping with Non-Linear Factor Recovery[Read more]
LDSO: Direct Sparse Odometry with Loop Closure[Read more]
DVSO: Deep Virtual Stereo Odometry[Read more]
Photometric Calibration[Read more]
Double Sphere Camera Model[Read more]
Stereo DSO[Read more]
DSO + IMU[Read more]
DSO: Direct Sparse Odometry[Read more]
Large-Scale Direct SLAM for Omnidirectional Cameras[Read more]
Stereo LSD-SLAM[Read more]
Direct RGB-D SLAM[Read more]
LSD-SLAM: Large-Scale Direct Monocular SLAM[Read more]

Rechte Seite

Informatik IX
Computer Vision Group

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching info@vision.in.tum.de

Follow us on:

YouTube X / Twitter Facebook



We have seven papers accepted to ECCV 2024. Check our publication page for more details.

GCPR / VMV 2024

GCPR / VMV 2024

We are organizing GCPR / VMV 2024 this fall.


We have twelve papers accepted to CVPR 2024. Check our publication page for more details.


We have four papers accepted to ICCV 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


CVPR 2023

We have six papers accepted to CVPR 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.
