Machine Learning for Robotics and Computer Vision
WS 2013/2014, TU München
Location: Room 02.09.023
Date: Friday, starting at 25th October
Time: 9.15
Lecturer: Dr. Rudolph Triebel
SWS: 3
Location: Room 02.09.023
Date: Friday, starting at 8th November
Time: 14.15
Lecturer: Matthias Vestner
The next tutorial will be on Friday, 24th January
In this lecture, the students will be introduced into the most frequently used machine learning methods in computer vision and robotics applications. The major aim of the lecture is to obtain a broad overview of existing methods, and to understand their motivations and main ideas in the context of computer vision and pattern recognition. Also, in addition to the standard methods, the lecture will also cover some recent topics such as CRFs, Random Forests, and IVMs.
- Introduction
- Regression
- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Boosting
- Kernel Methods
- Gaussian Processes
- Evaluation and Model Selection
- Sampling Methods
- Clustering
Lecture Slides
Slides of lectures 1-6
... with 8 slides per page
1. Introduction into Probabilistic Reasoning and Learning
2. Regression
3. Graphical Models I
4. Graphical Models II
5. Boosting
6. Kernel Methods
7. Gaussian Processes
8. Mixture Models and Expectation Maximization
9. Variational Inference
10. Sampling Methods I
11. Sampling Methods II
12. Clustering
2. Regression
Solution Code
3. Graphical Models Solution
4. Boosting
Code Solution
5. Kernel_Methods
Code Solution
6. Kullback Leibler Divergence
7. Sampling Methods
The solutions for the last two excercises can be found in Bishop's solution book
Note that the video titles on YouTube start with index 1, while the lectures start with 2, so the video index is always 1 lower than the number of the lecture.
Date of Lecture | Link |
8.11.2013 | Video of Lecture 2 (Regression) |
15.11.2013 | Video of Lecture 3 (Graphical Models I) |
22.11.2013 | Video of Lecture 4 (Hidden Markov Models) |
29.11.2013 | Video of Lecture 5 (Boosting) |
6.12.2013 | Video of Lecture 6 (Kernel Methods) |
13.12.2013 | Video of Lecture 7 (Gaussian Processes) |
20.12.2013 | Video of Lecture 8 (GMMs and EM) |
10.1.2014 | Video of Lecture 9 (Variational Inference) |
17.1.2014 | Video of Lecture 10 (Sampling Methods I) |
24.1.2014 | Video of Lecture 11 (Sampling Methods II) |
24.1.2014 | Video of Lecture 12 (Clustering) |